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  • 发布日期:2023-10-26      浏览次数:317
    • 恒远产品文献:巴氯芬引用文献

      【文献标题】A Novel GABABR1a Receptor Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles Chitosan-horseradish


      【作者】Xiaotong Zhao,Lihui Wei et.al

      【作者单位】天津商业大学(Tianjin University of Commerce)



      【关键词】Nano biosensor · GABABR1a · Jujuboside A · Baclofen; GPCRs



      出版期刊】《Electroanalysis 》

      【产品原文引用】jujuboside A was from Shanghai Ronghe Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.; GABA was from Beijing coribo

      Technology Co., Ltd.; baclofen was from Shanghai Hengyuan Biotechnology limited company.

      恒远产品文献:大鼠GOD,FINS ELISA试剂盒引用文献

      【文献标题】Hepatoprotective effects of flavonoids from common buckwheat hulls in type 2 diabetic rats and HepG2 cells

      【作者】Hai Wang,Shuyan Liu et.al

      【作者单位】吉林农业大学(Jilin Agricultural University)




      【关键词】antioxidant, buckwheat hull flavonoids (BHFs), hepatoprotective potential, HepG2 cells, type 2 diabetes



      出版期刊】《Food Science & Nutrition 》

      【产品原文引用】Serum glucose levels were measured using glucose oxidase method (Shanghai Hengyuan Biochemical Reagent Co., Ltd). Fasting insulin (FINS) levels were determined using an ELISA kit (Shanghai Hengyuan Biochemical Reagent Co., Ltd) following the manufacturer's instructions. A homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (Bowe et al., 2014), a method to quantify insulin resistance, was used following the formula: HOMA-IR = FBG (mU/L) × FINS (mmol/L)/22.5.