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2021恒远高分产品文献:生物素标记 山羊抗兔二抗引用文献

  • 发布日期:2021-10-11      浏览次数:1038
    •  【文献标题】MicroRNA‐194 reduces inflammatory response and human dermal microvascular endothelial cells permeability

      through suppression of TGF‐β/SMAD pathway by inhibiting THBS1 in chronic idiopathic urticaria
      【作者】Shengming Qu | Lei Yang | Zhe Liu  
      【作者单位】吉林大学第二大医院(The Second Hospital of Jilin University)
      【关键词】chronic idiopathic urticaria, human dermal microvascular endothelial cells permeability,inflammatory response, mast cells, mircoRNA‐194, TGF‐β/SMAD pathway, thrombospondin 
      【DOI】 10.1002/jcb.28941
      Parts of skin tissue of the subjects were collected, fixed by 4% paraformaldehyde, dehydrated by gradient ethanol and normal butanol and sliced into 5 μm sections. Afterward, the sections were supplemented with 100 μL 5% bovine serum albumin, 100 μL primary antibody THBS1 (1:200; ab93653; Abcam Inc., Cambridge, MA) and biotin‐labeled goat anti‐rabbit secondary antibody working solution (1:100; HY90046; Hengyuan Biological Technology Co Ltd, Shanghai, China), and streptomycin anti biotin peroxidase solution (Zhongshan Biotechnology Co, Beijing, China). 
